The fear of giving in.
Three weeks ago, I started what I thought was a cold and although it was unpleasant, to me, to the self-employed me, it was nothing to make a fuss about and I needed to “just Read more…
Cheat your way to being organised with this free worksheet. If you are feeling overwhelmed, it can help ease that and help you organise your life more easily.
Using anchors in our week helps us to manage our time better. They can help us focus and prioritise in creating a structure to our week. Then we can set certain tasks for certain times, so that they become habits – this free worksheet will show you how.
Life Laundry days are those that you schedule into your calendar where you can catch up on tasks, plan for the weeks ahead and feel more in control. This free worksheet will help your plan your Life Laundry days so you feel more organised and less overwhelmed.
In this workbook – Self Care Isn’t Selfish – you will look at what self care means to you and how to re-introduce it into your life again.
Three weeks ago, I started what I thought was a cold and although it was unpleasant, to me, to the self-employed me, it was nothing to make a fuss about and I needed to “just Read more…
With so many self-help books, so many podcasts about this subject, you’d think that we would have all mastered the art of “loving ourselves!” As Valentines Day approaches, it can stir up all sorts of Read more…
“Everybody needs a plan” is something I regularly discuss with my clients and in many ways, I stick with that – I like a plan. However……as I have learned myself, sometimes concentrating on the present Read more…