Here it comes again, some of us not wanting to think about it right now, some of us needing to feel organised and in control of the run up and event itself.

What can you do to start getting organised?

This doesn’t have to be a plan set in stone, we are talking about first discussions, opening up conversations, starting to think what needs to be done?

Initial Plans

  1. Start thinking about where you are going to be/want to be/need to be this Christmas as this will have an impact on your preparations.
  • If you need to make arrangements with other family members or friends, start putting the feelers out now. They might be horrified that you are asking in October but at least everyone will be on the same page.
  • What worked last Christmas? What didn’t. What did you swear to never do again? Be very clear about what you are prepared to compromise on and what you are not.
  • Do you need to book accommodation? If so, get it done now so that it’s ticked off the list.
  • Write the present list. Things will have changed since last year. There will be those you no longer buy for, the kids who are no longer kids – maybe you agree with friends to stop buying for each other’s kids at a certain age? Write the list and then you can see how many pressies need buying and when.
  • Budget. I know, boring to even think about it but crucial if you don’t want to overspend and then spend the rest of the following year paying off debt.
  • Start buying some presents. It might feel horribly early but start now and take the pressure off later especially if it’s things like vouchers etc.
  • Plan your diary. I appreciate you won’t be able to schedule in the Christmas invites yet, but you know what you can manage – block out a weekend a month between now and Christmas to just be, to have no plans. If you don’t block it out, it won’t happen.
  • Research and identify any shows you might wish to book – chat to those you’ll be spending time with and get them booked.

Communication is key.

Talk to each other. Don’t assume that you know what people want do for the holiday. If you chat now about what people would like to do and where they want to be, not only can you then manage expectations but it also might change your plans and in a pleasant way!