We see the first glimmer of some sunshine, a few spring flowers peeking through in the garden and suddenly we feel the optimism that seemed to have disappeared over the last few dark months
It’s a time of year where nature is preparing for the year ahead. Buds are appearing on the trees, birds are building nests and I know, I certainly feel more hopeful. It can make us want to re-evaluate things around us and have a clear-out, both physically and emotionally.
Actual spring-cleaning might seem a little old fashioned but believe me, it’s incredibly therapeutic. I don’t mean that you necessarily have to clean your home from top to bottom although that’s very satisfying, but maybe it’s time for a de-clutter or detox?
Anyone who has worked with me knows that I am all about balance and space. I work with my clients on creating space in their lives to allow new things to enter. Once you have created that space, you can then decide what’s allowed to come back into it, what serves you well and what doesn’t.
I am one of those people that is very much of the ‘tidy house, tidy mind’ philosophy. Personally, I cannot work with chaos around me. Each morning before I start coaching, I clean down my desk, put away any paperwork not relevant to the day and start my day with a clear space. Obviously, that doesn’t work for everyone, but it certainly works for me.
A spring detox or de-clutter of actual physical things is a great place to start when clearing out the crap. Sometimes it feels incredibly daunting, but if you follow the simple steps below it will be a great start
How to have a spring detox
- Be prepared before you start.
Have plenty of bin bags to put rubbish or charity shop offerings into. Chose a day that you can crank up the music (or enjoy the silence) without too many interruptions. Make sure you indulge in some treats to enjoy in those well-earned breaks. Make this a pleasurable experience.
- Start with one room
If you are just de-cluttering, start with the cupboards and places that aren’t on show. Get EVERYTHING out and sort into piles of what’s to stay, what’s to be donated and what is just plain old rubbish and bag up accordingly. Remember, just concentrate on one room at a time, anything else is overwhelming. You might even just start on one drawer at a time!
- Don’t be daunted by your task
It doesn’t have to be done in a day, in fact that’s unlikely if you’re thorough. Be satisfied that you’ve done one or two rooms brilliantly and set aside another day to do the next room(s). I find that when I help clients to do this, picking a cluttered room and a non-cluttered room e.g. a loo or a bathroom is far more achievable in one go. I’d recommend leaving the kitchen and any other similar more cluttered spaces to individual days.
Remember, this is an exercise in creating space, limiting chaos and overwhelm so the more you make it an actual thing rather than a chore to be done, the easier it will be.
My spring house detox is actually written in my diary so I don’t make any alternative arrangements. I get the windows open rain or shine. I put my favorite music on, get in a nice treat for my lunch and then work through the plan, room by room. It might take a whole weekend, it might be broken up into several weekends BUT once it is done, it feels bloomin’ lovely!
For more help with clearing the clutter, download my workbook for more tips & suggestions find it here https://www.katetilston.co.uk/shop/