Buying presents on a budget.

Don’t worry, this is not a blog about “finding the time to make thoughtful gifts for family and friends.” I suspect you don’t have the time or the energy to even begin thinking about that. So, what can you do to keep costs down when it comes to present buying? Read more…

Managing your expectations this Christmas.

As we head towards Christmas we are bombarded with image of how Christmas “should” look – whether it’s large raucous families around a festive table piled high with food and drink or indulgent gift guides in magazines where they suggest “little prezzies” that probably require a 2nd mortgage to purchase, Read more…

Notification nightmares!

Recently, I went to an excellent networking event, networking has never been something I particularly enjoy (in the business sense) but I realised that my view of it was probably a little outdated and I needed to give it a go. It also tied in with an excellent guest speaker Read more…

It’s time to unplug.

  As we head towards August and many of my clients are either off on holiday or juggling childcare with work or both, I have decided to take a bit of a social media break for the month. For the last couple of weeks, I have struggled with Covid and Read more…

What anchors you?

If you think about the word anchor, what does it mean to you? To me an anchor is something that keeps you steady, keeps you in one place, keeps you from floating off into the distance. An anchor is something that keeps you grounded. Do you have things that anchor Read more…

Little wins big difference!

We all need to feel like we are achieving, even if you are not a competitive person you sometimes feel like you need to have had a “win” and in my experience it’s the little wins that can make a big difference. When we think about winning it can often Read more…