Walking is my thing.

Walking is my thing, it’s always been my thing. Even as a small child it was my thing – to calm me, to get me to sleep, I was walked.As I got older and hit my teens and life became more of a struggle whenever I was stressed or anxious Read more…

The dreaded “P” word……

Positivity – what does that actually mean? Well the Oxford English Dictionary defines it as “the state or character of being positive:a positivity that accepts the world as it is.” As a coach, one of the first words we come across in our training is the word positive. We are Read more…


Recently there has been a lot of talk in the press and through various other media channels about the need for self care, I have written about it myself several times and I’m a huge advocate of having a good self care routine built into your lifestyle to help you Read more…

“Live the life you love!”

“Live the life you love” The words that have sprung out of many life coaching articles, that have leapt up and punched me in the face from lots of coaching related websites and I have to hold my hand up right now and say…….I HATE THAT PHRASE (well in relation Read more…

De-cluttering your address book.

So…….when was the last time you looked through your address book or your phone contacts and updated them? How many of you have contacts in either of those places that you don’t see or hear from any more? Does your Christmas card list still include the “I should probably send Read more…