Walking is my thing.

Walking is my thing, it’s always been my thing. Even as a small child it was my thing – to calm me, to get me to sleep, I was walked.As I got older and hit my teens and life became more of a struggle whenever I was stressed or anxious Read more…

The dreaded “P” word……

Positivity – what does that actually mean? Well the Oxford English Dictionary defines it as “the state or character of being positive:a positivity that accepts the world as it is.” As a coach, one of the first words we come across in our training is the word positive. We are Read more…

It’s not about the winning………

Now I appreciate that not everyone is a football fan or are English and support English football but last night England beat Denmark in the semi finals of the European Championship. Before you discard this post, it’s not all about football! For the England team and their management (and many Read more…


Recently there has been a lot of talk in the press and through various other media channels about the need for self care, I have written about it myself several times and I’m a huge advocate of having a good self care routine built into your lifestyle to help you Read more…

“You need to step up”……..blurgh!

“My husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend/partner needs to step up” – I can’t tell you the number of times I have heard this phrase during a coaching session or chatting with friends. What does that actually mean? Within the context in which it’s discussed, it’s usually during an offload or a rant about that Read more…