Your lockdown list…..

Ok, hands up, who started lockdown with a list of all the jobs they could/would get done whilst we were stuck at home? I did! Once I realised that my coaching was going to decrease for a period of time due to many of my clients being small businesses or Read more…

The guilt factor

Now being a life coach means that guilt is not an emotion that I feel comfortable even talking about usually, but as these are unprecedented times, I am going to write about it, feel suitably uncomfortable but also be honest! As lockdown continues and I find myself reading/scrolling through more Read more…


Well this weekend I felt completely overwhelmed. I don’t know what triggered it but I spent most of Sunday bursting into tears over anything – sad news stories, amazingly uplifting news stories, a piece of music that evoked happy memories, a piece of music that made me miss my Mum Read more…

It’s ok to not be ok……

So, over the last couple of weeks I have had conversations with many clients who are used to being very organised, having structured and productive days (on the whole) and all of a sudden, life has thrown a curved ball and all of that has gone out of the window! Read more…