Your lockdown list…..

Ok, hands up, who started lockdown with a list of all the jobs they could/would get done whilst we were stuck at home? I did! Once I realised that my coaching was going to decrease for a period of time due to many of my clients being small businesses or Read more…

The guilt factor

Now being a life coach means that guilt is not an emotion that I feel comfortable even talking about usually, but as these are unprecedented times, I am going to write about it, feel suitably uncomfortable but also be honest! As lockdown continues and I find myself reading/scrolling through more Read more…


Well this weekend I felt completely overwhelmed. I don’t know what triggered it but I spent most of Sunday bursting into tears over anything – sad news stories, amazingly uplifting news stories, a piece of music that evoked happy memories, a piece of music that made me miss my Mum Read more…

Week 3 of lockdown…….it’s a challenge!

Ok…..into week 3 we go! I’ve cleaned, I’ve painted, I’ve stained, I’ve sanded, I’ve scrubbed grout, I’ve wiped down skirting boards….. I’ve also read, made rainbow signs to go in windows, created happy birthday banners for our neighbours children self isolating, sorted out Mums button box ready to make cushion Read more…

It’s ok to not be ok……

So, over the last couple of weeks I have had conversations with many clients who are used to being very organised, having structured and productive days (on the whole) and all of a sudden, life has thrown a curved ball and all of that has gone out of the window! Read more…

Beautiful daffodils

 Time for a Spring clean

Hooray…..the sun is shining, the daffodils are peeping through, people are looking more “smiley” as they go about their everyday tasks and I guess we’re all just feeling a little bit better about life? It’s very interesting for me how the sunshine affects my coaching clients (as with most other Read more…