Books that bring me joy.

I love reading! It’s my “go to thing” at times of stress, when I want to escape, I read before I go to bed,  I read in the evenings, I read whenever I get a spare five minutes – it takes me somewhere else, I switch off and relax even Read more…

Everyone is busy coping with life!

This weekend I was lucky enough to go away with one of my dearest friends for an overnight stay shopping, eating, drinking wine, barely taking a breath between conversations and then going to see the wonderful Claudia Winkleman onstage. We had a fabulous time! It also meant that we spent Read more…

Finding your tribe.

So, who is familiar with this expression? “Your vibe attracts your tribe” or “your tribe your vibe” or “find your tribe” even “finding your vibe?” To be quite honest it’s all getting a little bit too much for me and as expressions go, this one is feeding a little overused, Read more…