Lockdown Lethargy
Hands up those not sleeping? Hands up those who just want to sleep? For me, sleep is just escaping me at the moment – it doesn’t matter how early I go to bed, it doesn’t matter how tired I am, Read more…
Hands up those not sleeping? Hands up those who just want to sleep? For me, sleep is just escaping me at the moment – it doesn’t matter how early I go to bed, it doesn’t matter how tired I am, Read more…
As lockdown eases, as people are returning to work, as we are being told to expect a “new normal” I know from the people & clients to whom I’m talking, that getting back into the swing of things is proving Read more…
Hands up if you have put on some weight during lockdown? Hands up if you’ve drunk more alcohol than usual? Hands up if you’ve managed to fit in more regular exercise during lockdown? Hands up if not having so much Read more…
“I feel so bad that I haven’t kept in contact with many people Kate” exclaimed one of my clients during their session last week. They went on to explain that they had set out with the intention to regularly call Read more…
All the people who know me, know I love a plan so one of the biggest challenges for me has been having to curb my planning during this pandemic. I hold my hands up and readily admit that I have Read more…
For me this has certainly been a time of contemplation, a time to review certain aspects of my life. Leading a considerably more simple life over the last couple of months now makes me question some of the things I Read more…
Over the weekend, I found myself becoming more and more wound up by the actions of others to the point that I could feel the anxiety sitting firmly at the base of my throat, ready to bubble over and let Read more…
Ok, hands up, who started lockdown with a list of all the jobs they could/would get done whilst we were stuck at home? I did! Once I realised that my coaching was going to decrease for a period of time Read more…
Now being a life coach means that guilt is not an emotion that I feel comfortable even talking about usually, but as these are unprecedented times, I am going to write about it, feel suitably uncomfortable but also be honest! Read more…
As a Life Coach, I have now “worked from home” for nearly 14 years now so lockdown hasn’t altered that element of my life but I am only too aware of both the positives and negatives that working from home Read more…