If you could do whatever you wanted this Christmas, how would it look for you? Would it be traditional? Would it be at home or away with friends and family? Are there others in your household that might fancy doing Christmas a different way?

Changing the traditions of Christmas.

It can be very difficult to change the traditions of Christmas especially if you have a large family who have always done things a certain way. How do you tell them that it either doesn’t suit you this year or no longer suits you at all?

Perhaps you feel that it’s too important for those you love to try a different style Christmas and I understand that. If we have elderly relatives who look forward to spending time with us, can we really take that away from them after all, in theory, it’s just a day.

However, if you have the opportunity, and it’s something that suits the majority of you in your house, why not try a different approach – it doesn’t need to be massive changes but changing it up a bit can give a very different Christmas vibe.

What can you do?

  1. Travel – possibly the obvious one but do you fancy Christmas in another country? A hot Christmas is always quite odd for those in the UK but it’s certainly different – you do have to travel a little further for that.
  • A different location – again, another slightly obvious one but renting somewhere in the middle of nowhere or by the sea, somewhere that isn’t “home” can feel very special – you need to be prepared to be well organised for this one as you will need to take EVERYTHING with you.
  • A change in meal – why Christmas dinner? You could have a pizza extravaganza; you could pick a different culture or countries food and experiment? Probably not going to go down so well with the traditionalists but it’s a way to change it up.
  • Timings – change the way you run the day. Maybe it’s a picnic breakfast watching the sun come up, maybe it’s a long walk in the morning with a snack type lunch rather than slaving over a big Christmas dinner? Perhaps you will have your family dinner on a different day altogether and will have delicious snacks whilst watching rubbish TV on Christmas day?
Doing things differently.

Ultimately, it’s a holiday for many people and taking a look at ways we spend it can not only be refreshing for you but for the others around you. What could you do differently this year for a change?